Sunday 6 February 2011

Update on Mia.

So, we thought she was getting better. I think I was wrong.
This morning she came through to us after 12 soild hour sleep. She was crying and cried till we got down stairs. As per normal I asked her what she wanted and she asked for Lions (Tesco own brand coco pops!) When I brought it through to her she look a bite and pushed it aside. As I said yesterday breakfast is the one meal we can always know she will eat.
We had to run some errands and she was okay. a bit fussy but nothing to bad..But by the time we got home she was very grumpy and niggly. We offerd her some lunch and refused again.
She fell asleep about half two and slept pretty much all of this afternoon.
When she woke up she was coughing and spluttering :o(
Shes been very grumpy and chesty since waking up. We have offered her at least 3 different things for her evening meal and she has turned everyone of them away.
I just hope shes better for tomorrow as i know she wont like missing school!

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