Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Today I met a lovely woman.

She was an older lady. She goes to my Weight Watchers meeting. I have seen her about for a few weeks but have not really spoke to much. Today we sat next to each other and started talking. I found my self opening up to her and told her why I joined weight watchers - How I didnt want my daughter to end up like me and my hopes of extending our family.
Turns out she too has PCOS. She was trying for her eldest daughter for 7 years and was one of the first people to try clomid when it became avalible over here years ago. On her last month before she had to give her body a rest she fell pregnant. After her daughter was born they did not use and protection and 3 years later she fell pregnant naturally with her 2nd daughter. Another 7 years after that she had her 3rd daughter.
She was such a wonderfull woman. Unfortunatley she ended up having to have all her 'bits' removed as they was causing her far too many problems.
Was so nice to hear a sucsess story of a women who struggled for years to conceive and because of medical science ended up becoming a mummy.
Medical science gives hope to people who cant have children, become parents. Such a wonderfull thing.