On Tuesday my baby grew up. She started nursery. I have been so nervous for this day for weeks. Since she was born I have always been by her side. Apart from a few times when she has stopped at family members over nights she has always been with me.
The idea of handing her over to some strangers for 15 hours a week filled me with dread. I searched the internet for WEEKS looking for the best school in my area. I read tons of OFSTED reports and on-line reviews. We finally settled on putting her name down for a school not too far from us. It is a lovely little place with glowing reports.
Anyway. On Tuesday the day finally came for my baby to go to school. I got her ready in her little uniform, did her hair and she looked so grown up. My baby is no longer a baby. She is a school girl.
At 9.30am we dropped her off. She didn't batter an eye lid and she said goodbye. She ran straight into the classroom. Her teacher had to ask her if she wanted to say goodbye to mum and dad. There was no tears, No please don't leave mummy. Nothing. Nada. She didnt care.
When we left the building I felt the tears rise and slowly creep down my face. I cried. My husband laughed and called me and idiot. He dosent understand. What a milestone. I have a child in school.
At 9.30am we dropped her off. She didn't batter an eye lid and she said goodbye. She ran straight into the classroom. Her teacher had to ask her if she wanted to say goodbye to mum and dad. There was no tears, No please don't leave mummy. Nothing. Nada. She didnt care.
When we left the building I felt the tears rise and slowly creep down my face. I cried. My husband laughed and called me and idiot. He dosent understand. What a milestone. I have a child in school.
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