Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Positive Thinking.

So, With us being TTC for such a very long time I have experienced so many feelings. Anything from very negitive like 'Why is it happening to them and not me?!' or 'Thats so and so pregnant again for the x time in x ammount of years'  to complete acceptence of our situation like 'If xyz can get pregnant for a 2nd time after trying for x ammount of time it will happen to us too'  and 'I know I can get pregnant, Mia is proof of that'. Right now I am feeling very positive. I am positive we WILL get pregnant again one day, I am positive clomid WILL work for us.
When refering to getting pregnant again its more of a case - for me anyway that it WILL happen.
Anyway, Talking to my sister last night about my weight loss and that WHEN i get pregnant my eating habbits have changed and I hope I wont pile on as much weight second time around as I did with Mia.
Now I dont blame my sister for her reaction - I dont think she realises how sensitive I am towards this whole subject.
Her responce knocked me for six.
Dont you mean 'If'
Thank you for that.
Just piss on my bonfire.
No negitivness please. I have had enough of them thoughts my self over the past two years.
Positive thinking only please.

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